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    无为素养拳击Junior CoachKostya2023 — 昆仑决格斗寰宇锦标赛综及格斗 第一趟合 裸绞胜2023 — KUNLUN Fight World Championship- MMA - / WIN (RNC) R12017 — 西伯利亚Fighters League综及格斗 第二回合 TKO胜2017 - Siberian Fighters League - MMA / WIN (TKO) R22017 — 西伯利亚Fighters League综及格斗 判定胜2017 - Siberian Fighters League - MMA / WIN (UD)2014 — 泰国 Fairtex 体育馆拳击比赛 判定胜2014 — FAIRTEX STADIUM - Boxing / WIN (UD)2014 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER 泰拳 判定胜2014 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER - Muay-Thai / WIN (UD)2014 — 俄罗斯对哈萨克斯坦泰拳联赛 第三回合TKO胜2014 — Russia vs Kazakhstan - Muay Thai / WIN (TKO) R32014 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER 摆脱搏击 判定胜2014 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER - K-1 / WIN (UD)2013 — PHETCHBUNCHA SAMUI 体育馆泰拳 判定胜2013 — PHETCHBUNCHA SAMUI STADIUM - Muay-Thai / WIN (UD)2013 — PHETCHBUNCHA SAMUI 体育馆泰拳 第四回合 TKO胜2013 — PHETCHBUNCHA SAMUI STADIUM - Muay-Thai / WIN (TKO) R42013 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER 泰拳 第一趟合 TKO胜2013 — NIGHT OF FIGHTER - Muay-Thai / WIN (TKO) R12014 — Pankration 综及格斗寰宇锦标赛 铜牌2014 — Pankration world championship / BRONZE2014 — Pankration 综及格斗俄罗斯锦标赛 金牌2014 — Pankration Russian Championship / GOLD2013 — 俄罗斯泰拳锦标赛 金牌2013 — Muay-Thai Russian Championship / SILVER2012 — 亚洲拳击锦标赛U18 银牌2012 — Boxing Asia Championship U18 / SILVER2012 — Pankration 综及格斗俄罗斯锦标赛 金牌2012 — Pankration Russian Championship/ GOLD2011 — 俄罗斯拳击锦标赛U18 银牌2011 — Boxing Russian Championship U18 / SILVER2009 — 欧洲拳击锦标赛U16 金牌2009 — Boxing European Championship U16 / GOLD2009 — 俄罗斯拳击锦标赛U16 金牌2009 — Boxing Russian Championship U16 / GOLDSTORYWhere do you come from? What got you interested in Martial Arts?I come from Novosibirsk, Russia, the capital city of Siberia. We have many months of winter every year and it gets extremely cold!你是从那边来的?是什么让你对格斗产生兴味?我来自俄罗斯的新西伯利亚,西伯利亚的齐门。咱们每年齐有许多个月的冬天,天气会变得尽头冷!STORYActually, I started from a very young age, but I didn’t really start alone my whole martial arts journey has been alongside my big brother who is 1 yr older than me, but we are the same size and weight! When I was 4 we started training greco-roman wrestling at my daddy’s fight club, we also did other training like boxing and muay thai. My father a very accomplished martial artist himself was our head coach all my life. He sent us to competitions from a very young age and would arrange for us to do special training at other gyms or elite teams. People like Alexander Karelin (arguably the greatest wrestler in history), Vlasov Roman (2x Olympic Champion wrestling), Russian National Boxing Team (2009-2014), Russian National Muay Thai Team (2013-2015), trained with superstars like Khabib Nurmagomedov, Islam Makhachev, Artem Levin, Artem Vakhitov, Andrey Koreshkov, Alexander Sarnavskiy, Alexander Shlemenko and many more! In short, I can say I was born into this life!事实上,我自幼便开动了格斗之旅,同业者是我的哥哥,咱们的体型和体重一样。在四岁时,咱们开动在父亲谋划的搏击俱乐部接收古典式摔跤检会,同期也进行了拳击和泰拳等形势的锤真金不怕火。我的父亲是一位了得的格斗家,他躬行担任咱们一世的素养。他在咱们年幼时便送咱们去插足比赛,并安排咱们在其他拳馆或精英队列中进行极度检会。咱们曾与亚历山大·卡雷林(号称史上最伟大的摔跤手)、弗拉索夫·罗曼(两届奥运会摔跤冠军)、俄罗斯国度拳击队(2009-2014)、俄罗斯国度泰拳队(2013-2015)等一同检会,与卡比布·努尔马戈梅多夫、伊斯兰·马哈切夫、阿姆莱夫、阿特姆·瓦希托夫、安德烈·科雷什科夫、亚历山大·萨尔纳夫斯基、亚历山大·什莱门科等超等明星并肩搏斗。总之,我天生就是格斗的红运!What are your personal hobbies? And how would you describe your personality?Football, I both love to watch games, especially my favorite team (Manchester City) and I also played competitively. Playing PS5 for relaxing after hard training or many hours of coaching.If I have to describe my own personality in five traits I’ll say: Honest, Calm, Confident, Dedicated and Organized.你的个东说念主宠爱是什么?你会怎样态状你的个性呢?我个东说念主兴味宠爱的种类广博,我热衷于足球,热衷于不雅看比赛,尤其是我所钟爱的球队(曼城)的比赛,亦参与其中。在履历高深检会或永劫辰锤真金不怕火后,我通过游玩PS5来裁减身心。若要用五个环节词来空洞我的个性,我会采纳:本分、浮松、自信、专注以及有盘算推算。

    What would you say is your first big achievement in Martial Arts?One particular cool story comes to mind. I have a Guiness Book of World Record! It’s for the shortest time trained in a boxing gym and then win European championship! It was also my 10th boxing fight when I won the U16 European Gold in Russia.在技击鸿沟,您以为我方的首个首要建树是什么?我为您发达一个颇具传说颜色的故事。我曾荣获吉尼斯寰宇记载文凭!那是在拳击馆接收检会并赢得欧洲冠军的最短时辰记载!这亦是我在俄罗斯插足的第十场拳击比赛,最终我在U16欧洲锦标赛中斩获金牌。

    智者无惑|勇者无惧|仁者无敌A wise man cannot be misled.The brave face their fear.The determined pursuit of fortitudebreeds an INVINCIBLE heart.What made you decide to become a coach?If it’s a very short answer, it’s because my skill set and circumstances all give me a huge competitive advantage in this industry. I look at my father and the happy and healthy life he had. I still have aspirations as a fighter and at the same time as a coach. Helping others chase their dreams along with mine!是什么原因促使您采纳成为别称素养呢?若要用精真金不怕火明了的复兴,那就是您的手段和环境使您在这个鸿沟具备显赫的竞争上风。您见证了父亲所领有的充足幸福和健康的生涯,这引发了您的抱负。手脚别称骁勇的战士和素养,您矢志助力他东说念主,与理想同业,共赴后光远景。

    专注鉴定目标明确Focus and DeterminedGoal-OrientedWhat do you enjoy the most about the job you do?I really like the feeling of changing a student’s life for the better. Over the years of coaching I have had many great results with my students and many very heartwarming stories. These relationships are very meaningful to me and this type is the best job satisfaction. I believe I help to make people better.你的责任从哪些方面带给你自大?我真实很可爱让一个学生的生涯变得更好的嗅觉。在多年的指令中,我和我的学生得到了许多伟大的获利,也有许多尽头感东说念主的故事。这些干系对我来说尽头极度念念酷爱,而此类责任自大感实为最好。我信服我能匡助你让东说念主们变得更好。拳击 KostyaWhat advice would you give to someone that was looking to begin training or eventually fight?Discipline is the most important. My father used to say that for any successful fighter the fighter’s discipline must be on the verge of fantasy. So if you looking to do it, do it with all your heart.你会给那些想要开动检会或最终比赛的东说念主提供什么提出呢?步骤是最迫切的。我父亲已经说过,关于任何告捷的拳手来说,畅通员的步骤一定处于幻想的角落。是以,要是你想去作念,那就用心去作念。Speaking of regrets, do you have any?There are many things that come to mind, but I’m not the type of person who lives in the past or looks for pity. There is a Russian saying “Pity is the fate of the weak’, so bearing that in mind I would rather be thankful for every lesson learnt and the struggles of life that brought where I am today with the people I have in my life today!说到缺憾,你曾有过什么缺憾吗?我猜想了许多事情,但我不是那种生涯在昔时或寻求横祸的东说念主。有一句俄语成语:“横祸是弱者的红运”,难忘此言,我更愿感恩经过中的每一次劝诫与拼搏,建树当天之我!